USE IPM at the Innovators and Investors Fair
On Monday, December 16, 2024, at 1:30 PM, at the Youth Center in Banja Luka, as part of the Second Innovators and Investors Fair organized by CIDEA – the City Development Agency of Banja Luka, Prof. Saša Petković, PhD, a Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Banja Luka, delivered a presentation on the four-year Horizon project "USE IPM – Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Managemen." The project, valued at 2.3 million EUR, is being implemented by CPME – the Center for Project Management and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics, UNIBL, as a partner. Specifically, Prof. Petković gave a lecture on the topic: "A2B – Open Sustainable Innovations as a Result of Collaboration Between Academia and the Business Sector."
"Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management – USE IPM, is being implemented with financial support from the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji # 2sajaminovatoraiinvestitora #A2B
Published 17.12.2024 at 09:01
Focus Group Research “Sustainable and Responsible Innovation Supported by Collaboration between Academia and Industry” – USE IPM Project
The research team from CPME - Center for Project Management and Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, led by Prof. Dr. Saša Petković, organized a focus group on November 15, 2024, with experts in the field of sustainable and responsible innovation. This qualitative research aimed to gain deeper insights into the challenges and opportunities in managing the innovation process, with a particular focus on sustainable and responsible innovations within an open innovation ecosystem. The goal is to foster the development of skills and knowledge (know-how) in innovation management, enabling young people to enter the labor market successfully, either through employment or the launch of their own innovative entrepreneurial ventures. Additionally, it supports the development of innovative solutions through collaboration between academia and the business sector (A2B - Academy to Business).
The findings of this research will be utilized for further implementation of the project “Up-skilling Researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management” – USE IPM.
The group of experts included: Mr. Dragan Vučić, Cyclossystems,, Vladimir Ćorda, Vrbas Kapital and Virtuo,, Nikolina Dorontić Alibabić, Center for Digital Transformation, Chamber of Commerce of Republika Srpska,, Borislav Mandić, GB3,, Aleksandra Ivanković, Imaginarium Studio,, Nemanja Vujanić, Dev Studio,
Full time professor Saša Petković, PhD acted as the moderator, with participation from research team members: full time professor Milenko Krajišnik, PhD; assistant professor Branka Topić Pavković, PhD; assistant professor Mirjana Milijević, PhD; assistant professor Jadranka Petrović, PhD and teaching assistant, Milica Marić, ma.
This focus group is part of the project "Up-skilling Researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Based on Innovation Process Management" – USE IPM, supported by the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji #focusgroup4 #sistainableInnovation #A2B
Published 18.11.2024 at 08:47
Join us for the Fourth Focus Group on "Sustainable and responsible innovation supported by collaboration between academia and industry"!
Date: November 15, 2024, Time: 10 A.M. Venue: Room 303, Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka
Key Participants:
- Jelena Pušac Broćilović, JP Law Office
- Dragan Vučić, Cyclossystems
- Vladimir Ćorda, Vrbas, Kapital d.o.o.
- Nemanja Vujanić, Dev studio d.o.o
- Nikolina Dorontić Alibabić, Center for Digital Transformation, RS Chamber of Commerce
- Borislav Mandić, GB3
- Aleksandra Ivanković, Studio imaginarium
Don't miss this opportunity to explore the potential and address the challenges sustainable and responsible innovation and collaboration between academia and industry!
For more information, visit:
Funded by the European Union.
The focus group is carried out as a regular activity within the project "Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management" - USE IPM, with the support of the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #TechnologyTransfer #SustainableGrowth #EUfunded #TransitionalEconomies #FocusGroup
Published 12.11.2024 at 09:36
The Contemporary University as an Innovative Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Experiences from Manchester and Liverpool
On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 12:00 PM, at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka, as part of the professional development program for teaching staff, Prof. Saša Petković, PhD, a full professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, conducted a one-and-a-half-hour interactive lecture. During this session, he presented the concept of the modern university campus as an innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem ( To what extent has the University of Banja Luka developed as an innovative research ecosystem? How do university campuses function as innovative entrepreneurial ecosystems in the United Kingdom? Participants in the education program were able to learn this through the presentation of the four-year Horizon project “USE IPM – Enhancement of Researchers’ Skills for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Based on Innovation Process Management,” valued at 2.3 million euros, which is being implemented by CPME – Center for Project Management and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics, UNIBL, as a project partner.
"Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management – USE IPM, is being implemented with financial support from the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji # srijedomnafilozofskom
Published 04.11.2024 at 08:06
Study Visit to France
From September 30th to October 4th , 2024, Prof. Saša Petković, PhD, project coordinator at CPME - Center for Project Management and Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, conducted a study visit to Strasbourg, France. The host of the visit was the partner organization ALDA ( Prof. Petković visited the headquarters of the partner organization in the Council of Europe building, where he was welcomed by Mr. Andrea Michelini, project coordinator, who introduced him to the history of the Council of Europe, ALDA, as well as ongoing and future projects. Additionally, Prof. Petković held an online meeting with Ms. Matilde Ferrari, junior project manager, who presented the VALUEBOX project – Promoting Fundamental Rights and Inclusive Education in European Schools through Gamification. Prof. Petković conducted an external evaluation of the first phase of the VALUEBOX project implementation, and discussions were held on digital transformation in higher education and possibilities for collaborative project-based cooperation between ALDA and CPME. With this visit, four successful study visits by six members of the CPME research project team were concluded as part of Working Package 1 of the USE IPM project, during which researchers spent 60 days on study visits to Italy, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and France between August 2023 and October 2024.
The visit was carried out within the USE IPM project – Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management– USE IPM, supported by the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #definitelythebest #alda #gamification #education
Published 04.10.2024 at 15:01
Presentation of USE IPM at the 9th Central European Entrepreneurial Forum in Banja Luka
The International Institute of Entrepreneurship (MIP) from Samobor, Croatia (, and the Association of Economists of Republika Srpska, SWOT, from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (, organized the 9th Central European Entrepreneurial Forum – CEEF 2024 in Banja Luka at Hotel Bosna, in the National Restaurant Hall, on Friday, September 20, 2024. The forum was attended by 20 representatives from Banja Luka's entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions, the HKD Napredak, Banja Luka, international and local NGOs supporting entrepreneurship development, representatives of the academic community, the private sector, and the Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Banja Luka. During the forum, a new project titled "Youth Education Program for the Preparation and Implementation of Projects from EU Funds" was presented, under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia, and implemented by MIP and SWOT.
During the Forum, Prof. Dr. Saša Petković, project coordinator of the CPME – Center for Project Management and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, presented the USE IPM project, its goals, expected outcomes, possibilities for cross-border cooperation, EU funding opportunities, the activities carried out over the past year, and plans for collaboration between the academic community, the private sector, and entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions over the next three-year period. The Forum participants welcomed these initiatives.
Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management – USE IPM, is being implemented with financial support from the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji #9. centraleuropeentrepreneurialforum
Published 23.09.2024 at 11:32
Study visit to Great Britain - third part
The second week of the study visit to the United Kingdom began with individual research work on the topic of analyzing the potential for adapting British models of cooperation between academia and business (A2B - Academy to Business) through student internships. On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the CPME team, along with colleagues from Niš, Skopje, and Tirana, visited the University of Liverpool and its innovation centers. We were guided through Liverpool's innovation ecosystem by Claire Kidman, Head of Partnerships and External Relations at Knowledge Quarter Liverpool. We visited the Digital Innovation Facility ( and LYVA Labs ( In the second part of the day, we visited Liverpool Science Park, the Manufacturing Technology Centre (, and the Materials Innovation Factory ( The day concluded with an "Innovation-related walking tour of Liverpool," led by Darren Gilligan.
On Thursday, September 12, 2024, Jennifer Hinsley, Head of Business Innovation Services at the University of Salford (, organized a campus tour where we were introduced to innovative solutions, such as green smart buildings, smart homes, and autonomous vehicles. In the second part of the day, we visited BBC TV. Our host was Graeme Phillipson from BBC R&D, the lead researcher for artificial intelligence. Graeme organized a tour of the BBC’s TV/radio sector, followed by a visit to the special facilities in their research and development department, and then presented their role in Project Emerald, an EU/UK-funded project focused on artificial intelligence and media. This concluded our visits to institutions within the innovation entrepreneurship ecosystem, and the official end of the study visit was marked on Friday, September 13, 2024, with a two-hour online session facilitated by Iain Bitran, Director of ISPIM, and Prof. John Bessant, to whom we extend our gratitude for the excellently organized study visit to the United Kingdom.
The visit was conducted as part of the USE IPM project – "Improving Researchers' Skills for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Based on Innovation Process Management – USE IPM," supported by the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #safelythebest #UK #innovationmanagement
Published 19.09.2024 at 08:07
Stуdy Visit to the United Kingdom – Part Two
On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, the CPME team, along with colleagуes from Niš, Skopje, and Tirana, was welcomed by Loуise Kenworthy, Incуbation Services Manager at Innospace - Manchester Metropolitan University’s Bуsiness Incуbation Space & PrintCity (уk/), located at Tуring Hoуse in Manchester Science Park (https://www.mmу.ac.уk/aboуt-уs/bуildings/tуring-hoуse). We were introdуced to the programs for accelerating innovative startуps, and at the PrintCity (https://printcity.mmу.ac.уk/aboуt/), engineers demonstrated the possibilities of adaptive prototype modeling уsing 3D printing technology.
In the second part of the day, we visited the Manchester Metropolitan University Bуsiness School (https://www.mmу.ac.уk/aboуt-уs/facуlties/bуsiness-law/bуsiness-school). We learned aboуt the innovation ecosystem, research and development (R&D) fуnding, the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship program, the fуsion of innovation and growth, and sуpport for research and innovation throуgh external fуnding from Prof. Trevor Brown, Academic Director for Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeships, Prof. Jennie Shorley, Academic Director of the Centre for Enterprise, Director of Accreditations at the Facуlty of Bуsiness and Law, and Prof. Paуl Dewick, Research Director at the Facуlty of Bуsiness and Law.
On Thуrsday, September 5, 2024, and Friday, September 6, 2024, Prof. John Bessant condуcted a two-day workshop at Alliance Manchester Bуsiness School on the topics “Overview of Best Practices in Innovation Management Systems (ISO Framework)” and "Overview of Best Practices in Technology Transfer and A2B Partnering in the Innovation Ecosystem." The legendary Prof. Besant is one of the most cited aуthors in the field of innovation management with 49,155 citations. After the workshops, we were tasked with researching UK experiences in A2B collaboration and preparing proposals for adapted stуdent internship models as intermediaries in creating academy-bуsiness collaboration programs in the Western Balkan coуntries, which we presented on Friday, September 13, 2024, dуring an online session, which was also the final activity of this stуdy visit. In the next post, we will discуss the visit to the University of Liverpool and its innovation centers, the University of Salford, and the BBC R&D department.
The visit was condуcted as part of the USE IPM project – “Enhancing Researcher Skills for Sуstainable Entrepreneуrship throуgh Innovation Process Management – USE IPM,” with sуpport from the Eуropean Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji #UK #innovationmanagement
Published 16.09.2024 at 12:22
Study Visit to the United Kingdom – Part One
From August 31 to September 14, 2024, Full Professor Saša Petković, PhD, project coordinator of the CPME – the Center for Project Management and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, and Milica Bogdanović, PhD, participated in a study visit to Manchester and Liverpool, United Kingdom (UK). The CPME team included Assistant Professor Ljubiša Mićić, PhD, Assistant Professor Mirjana Milijević, PhD, Jadranka Petrović, PhD, and Milica Marić, MA, who visited the UK from August 16th to September 1st, 2024, along with ull Professor Saša Petković, PhD and Professor Milica Bogdanović, PhD, who were part of the second group of researchers, including representatives from partner economic faculties of the universities of Niš, Skopje, and Tirana. The visit was part of the USE IPM project – “Enhancing Researchers' Skills for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Based on Innovation Process Management – USE IPM,” supported by the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
The partner in this activity was ISPIM – the International Society for Professional Innovation Management ( from the UK, which organized educational activities in the field of innovation management, as well as visits to companies, institutions supporting entrepreneurship and innovation development, and universities. Director Iain Bitran was an excellent host, and I would like to express my gratitude to him for the superb organization of the study visit and his hospitality. It is not easy to describe in just a few lines all our activities, the institutions we visited, and the representatives of Manchester’s and Liverpool’s rich innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems that we met. On Monday, September 2, Ian introduced us to ISPIM’s activities, the agenda, and the individual and team tasks, which we successfully implemented over the next two weeks. The visit aimed to learn how the three universities in Manchester (the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the University of Salford) and the University of Liverpool collaborate with the economy – A2B – how R&D activities are conducted, how innovation centers operate, and how the state supports the universities' research work. At the end of the first day, we had the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of innovation in Manchester through an “Innovation-related Walking Tour of Manchester” led by Jonathan Schofield, starting from the first industrial revolution to the current fourth industrial revolution.
On Tuesday, September 3, we visited the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, where Prof. Elvira Uyarra introduced us to their work. We were also introduced to the UK Science and Technology Policy Landscape by professors Kieron Flanagan and Khaleel Malik. After that, at the Manchester Science Park, Andy Roberts, Innovation Director, explained how the park operates, while Anastassia Bolotkova, Business Development Manager at MIDAS (Manchester Investment and Development Agency), elaborated on how R&D activities are funded. The continuation of the visit will be presented in several posts in the coming days. Until then, through a few photos, you can “feel the atmosphere” of Manchester's innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem.
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji #UK #innovationmanagement
Published 16.09.2024 at 11:02
USE IPM - study visit to London
The first group of researchers, stayed in London from August 27th to 31st, 2024, during the second part of their study visit to the United Kingdom as part of the USE IPM projects planned activities outlined in Work Package 1.
In the first group, in front of the CPME - Center for Project Management and Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Banja Luka, there were assistant professor Mirjana Milijević, PhD; assistant professor Ljubiša Mićić, PhD; senior teaching assistant Jadranka Petrović, PhD; and teaching assistant Milica Marić, MA. Currently in the United Kingdom are full professor Saša Petković PhD and foreign language professor Milica Bogdanović, PhD.
The partner of this study visit is ISPIM – the International Society for Professional Innovation Management ( from the United Kingdom, which organized educational activities in the field of innovation management, along with visits to companies, institutions supporting entrepreneurship and innovation development, and universities.
During their stay in London, project participants had the opportunity to visit several universities and centers that focus on student career development and student entrepreneurship. One of the most notable visits was the one to MDX Works ( at Middlesex University (, a specialized center dedicated to student career development, student entrepreneurship, innovation development, and commercialization. In addition to this center, the participants visited the Middlesex University library and became familiar with the databases that students and staff at this university can use for research and entrepreneurial ventures.
The participants also visited the University of East London (, where the host was professor Shampa Roy-Mukherjee, vice dean of Royal Docks School of Business and Law (, with which the Faculty of Economics at the University of Banja Luka has excellent cooperation. Among other things, the professor frequently mentioned the participation of professors from this university in the REDETE conference and expressed a desire to deepen the collaboration. She has also participated in the REDETE conference on several occasions and had the opportunity to visit Banja Luka once. Professor Roy-Mukherjee gave the participants a tour of the university and introduced them to the services this higher education institution offers to students and staff: from the student career zone, through the "tax clinic," to the legal advisory center.
The visit is carried out as a regular activity within the project "Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management" - USE IPM, with the support of the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji #UK #innovation
Published 13.09.2024 at 13:08