Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Revitalization of the company (CIRP)

Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka
Мајке Југовића 4
Room: 106, I спарт
Leader: Nikola Vukmirovic, PhD
Phone: 051/430-022
About the Center
he role of Centre for entrepreneurship, innovation and revitalization of enterprises (CIRE) is to create, initiate and support inovative entrepreneurial projects which are part of educational and research activities conducted at the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka.
The role of the center is accomplished as following:
- Organising the acquisition of specific knowledge and creative skills for woking on projects which are involved in developing entrepreneurship and innovativity for students and employees of the Faculty;
- Promoting the significance of developing entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial culture, creating new entrepreneurial ambient and raising the level of social awareness about their significance in education and doing business;
- Performing research of latest world trends in implementing innovation in entrepreneurship development and encourage transfer of knowledge and experience attached to development of entrepreneurship in academic and economic spheres.
- Organising the process of working on scientific and professional projects attached to: implementation of innovation and internal entrepreneurship in enterprises and institutions, studies and elaborates of enterprises revitalization and improvement of entrepreneurial environment, building special entrepreneurial infrastructure, creating the program of measurements and activities for developing youth entrepreneurship and self employment of youth etc.
- Developing existing and implementing new forms of acquisition knowledge and entrepreneurial skills which will help in promoting Faculty and entrepreneurship as a subject of study.
- Improvement of practical education for students through colaboration of the Center with the enterprises and institutions.
- Launching new forms of cooperation with the most successful domestic and foreign enterprises in entrepreneurial intelligence (consalting, research, projects, implementing internal entrepreneurship according to IGPT system and launching new business according o ISS system).
- Creating and implementing new models of entrepreneurial revitalization of companies, institutions, public sector services and other organizations.
1. Developing KSC
Main Center activity will be practical work on improving knowledge, skills and creativity (KSC) attached to innovation, entrepreneurship and revitalization of enterprises, with the focuse on students and employees of the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka. Realization of these activities will be focused in special partnership together with UEC, ICBL and RARS. Everybody intersted will be allowed to participate in projects in accordance with their interests, on a voluntary basis, respecting the basic principles of project, which are defined by mission and vision of concrete project.
2. Scientific-research work
Entrepreneurial intelligence developed within research projects will be published within papers in scientific and professional journals. Special attention will be dedicated to perfection of existing methods of designing and analysing entrepreneurial undertaking and systematic gathering of practice experiences.
3. Education
Activities attached to development of entrepreneurship and scientific-research work in the field of implementing innovation with the aim of revitalizaton of enterprises, will be focused primarily on education. Students will have the opportunity to learn procedures and skills for initiation of new, and revitalization of exisitng enterprises and institutions which will be a significant reference in the process of employing and will enable them for self-employing.
4. Expert advices
Center will provide all organizations interested in development of entrepreneurship, implementing innovation and revitalization with professional advices related to business improvement.
5. International cooperation
Transfer of knowledge and good practice in entrepreneurship development from other countries and development of partnership with similar centers for development of entrepreneurship and innovativity through intrenational scientific conferences and scientific-research activities.