8th Elevator Pitch Held
The 8th pitching session for presenting student business models was held at the Faculty of Economics on Thursday, December 26, 2024. On behalf of the dean's team, Associate Professor Dr. Dalibor Tomaš, Vice Dean for Teaching, officially opened the session and welcomed the guests and students. A total of 11 student projects were presented to a three-member jury consisting of:
- Nikola Dragović, Director of the Science and Technology Park of the Republic of Srpska - https://ntprs.org/.
- Aleksandar Milinković, Chief Delivery Officer, Planet Soft Group - https://planetsoft.ba/sr/novost/cdo-planet-soft-grupe-aleksandar-milinkovic-predstavlja-field-master.
- Nemanja Vujanić, Founder and Owner of Dev Studio d.o.o. - https://devstudio.biz/.
Students from the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Geodesy at the University of Banja Luka showcased exceptional presentation skills, creativity, and innovation. The projects that received the highest scores from the expert jury were:
- Direct Line – an app for networking consumers and producers, presented by Sara Vučurević and Nikolina Tošić (3rd-year students, Study Program in Economics and Business Management).
- Baby Buddy – a babysitting app, presented by Marija Jovičić and Anja Đukić (3rd-year students, Study Program in Economics and Business Management); and Mind Bridge – an innovative platform connecting clients and licensed psychotherapists via a secure and affordable application, presented by Danilo Rogić (3rd-year student, Study Program in Business Informatics) and Emilija Borković (3rd-year student, Study Program in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Geodesy).
- Green Care Service – an app for green space management, presented by Anastasija Popović (3rd-year student, Study Program in Economics and Business Management).
#еfunibl #preduzetnickaekonomija #8thpitching #sigurnonajbolji
Published 26.12.2024 at 19:38
Call for Applications for the 8th Elevator Pitch
Dear colleagues and students,
The eighth pitching session for presenting student business models will be held at the Faculty of Economics, Majke Jugović 4, on Thursday, December 26, 2024, in Hall 3, starting at 09:00 AM. Student teams of 2 members (or individuals) will have 3 minutes (180 seconds) to present their business idea (business model) to the jury (representatives of entrepreneurial infrastructure institutions, as well as owners and managers of startups) in the form of a business model canvas (https://www.strategyzer.com/library/the-business-model-canvas). You can familiarize yourself with the canvas business modeling with an example in the textbook Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Digital Age, pages 180-183 (https://cpme.ef.unibl.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Preduzetnistvo-i-inovacije-u-digitalnoj-eri-1.pdf). You can learn more about pitching at https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/elevator-pitch-examples.
Third-year students at the Faculty of Economics, UNIBL, from both study programs, will have the opportunity to earn eight pre-exam points in the subjects Entrepreneurial Economics and Entrepreneurship and Innovation (summer semester 2024/2025), while students from lower or higher years of study, or students from other faculties of UNIBL who wish to test their business idea, are also welcome to participate and can apply for the pitching event.
Applications with the project title and a brief description of the business idea are accepted until December 20, 2024, via the link https://forms.gle/Ldeipnz4SjbYPy2C6 or at sasa.petkovic@ef.unibl.org.
Published 12.12.2024 at 09:02
Call for Papers: 11th REDETE Conference
The Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka and Marche Polytechnic University invite you to the 11th REDETE (Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies), conference, focusing on the topic of “Sustainability in Western Balkans in an Era of Uncertainty”. Join us in Ancona, Italy, on September 17-18, 2024.
We are looking for submissions that explore globalization, sustainability, and economic development in transitional economies. Accepted papers will have the opportunity to be considered for publication in the Conference Proceedings and partner journals including Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Economic Annals, Acta Economica, and Croatian Economic Survey.
Important Dates:
- Abstract Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024
For more details, please visit our website: www.redete.org.
Published 18.07.2024 at 09:26
Lecture on the topic: “Some aspects of the crisis in statistics and science”
On April 24, 2024, starting at 1 p.m., prof. dr. Miodrag Lovrić will hold a lecture on the topic: “Some aspects of the crisis in statistics and science”. The lecture will be held in the Amphitheater of the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka.
Prof. Lovrić teaches at the Radford University in the USA and he was a professor at the universities in Belgrade and Kragujevac, Massey University in New Zealand, University of South Australia and Brazil.
Contribution of prof. Lovrić to statistical science and teaching includes extensive publications, development of statistical software and improvement of education in statistics.
Prof. Lovrić was the initiator and editor of the International Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, which was the reason for his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.
The lecture is of open type. We invite all those interested to attend the lecture.
Published 19.04.2024 at 12:05
Education on the topic: "What are the jobs of the future and how to develop your career?"
CPME - Center for Project Management and Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Banja Luka in cooperation with the STAR.study platform invites all interested female and male students to a free education on the topic: "What are the jobs of the future and how to develop your career?".
The education will be held on Thursday, March 14, 2024, at 12:00 PM in room 3 of the Faculty of Economics.
The guest lecturer is Jan Z. Kulenović, a social innovator with over 20 years of experience in empowering young people in the labor market and a consultant for more than 50 international organizations and companies. Within this topic, top resources for the career development of young people, the largest career development and skills festival for young people, as well as concrete EU opportunities for students, will be presented. The partners of this initiative are the Incubator of Social Innovations "Munja" and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy. CPME, with its team of researchers and partners in the USE IPM project from Serbia, North Macedonia, and Albania, conducted a unique study at the end of 2023 on the assessment and importance of the "soft" skills of young people from BiH for starting and developing their own businesses.
This education is a continuation of our activities in promoting the importance of "soft" skills that young people need to possess for future jobs within the project ""Up-skilling researchers for Sustainable Entrepreneurship based on Innovation Process Management" - USE IPM with the support of the European Union (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-03-01).
#useipm #HorizonEurope #eu #cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji #STAR.study #FutureJobs
Published 11.03.2024 at 14:12
The 20th International Conference 2024 of ASECU
The 20th International Conference 2024 of ASECU is going to be organized in Banja Vrucica, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 15-17 May 2024, on the topic: STRENGTHENING ECONOMIC RESILIENCE IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIS-INTEGRATED MARKETS AND GLOBAL CRISES.
The Conference is organized by the University of Banja Luka - Faculty of Economics (Republic of Srpska - BiH), the Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region (ASECU), and the Journal of Associations of Accountants and Auditors of Republic of Srpska (FINRAR).
More information can be found in the attached Call for Papers. We remind you that the first deadline for abstracts is the 15 March 2024.
Published 16.01.2024 at 09:43
The 7th pitching was held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Banja Luka
As part of the final lecture on Entrepreneurial Economics, on Thursday, January 11, 2024, the seventh Elevator Pitch was organized, which was attended by students of the third year of the Economics and Business Management study program and the second and third years of the Business Informatics study program. The students presented their innovative business models in the form of a Canvas to the jury and students within a time frame of 180 seconds.
A total of 12 students and five jury members participated. The seventh The Elevator pitch session was opened by Professor Saša Petković, Ph. D., the subject teacher. Professor Petković informed the students about the cooperation of the Faculty of Economics, the real sector and institutions of entrepreneurial infrastructure with the aim of promoting and developing entrepreneurship and innovation. An active part in the jury have been taken by Professor Marko Kolaković, Ph. D. Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, Nikola Dragović, Director of the Science Technology Park of the Republic of Srpska, Ana Lojić, President of the Association of Innovators Banja Luka, Business Analyst, Smart City Program Lanaco, Dragan Vučić, CEO of Cyclos systems and Vladimir Ćorda, CEO of Virtuo and co-founder of Vrbas Capital d.o.o. - angel funding.
The following business models were presented:
Chill Out - Application for cultural events and sports events in the City of Banja Luka
Vasilija Topić
Tamara Roljic
(3rd year, Economics and Business Management Study Program)
CEE Jobs
Danilo Vračar
(2nd year of studies, Business Informatics study program)
Mobile Vet
Anja Stojičić and Milan Krajnović
(3rd year, Economics and Business Management Study Program)
Milena Vukosav
(3rd year, Economics and Business Management Study Program)
Eco charging
Željana Ćetojević
(3rd year, Economics and Business Management Study Program)
Solar Protect Solutions
Ana Gajić
(3rd year, Business Informatics Study Program)
Application for beekeeping
Romanela Babić and Nikolina Cvijić
(3rd year, Study Program Business Informatics)
Sofija Gajić and Marko Arežina
(3rd year, Economics and Business Management Study Program)
The jury chose the winners of the 7th pitching:
1st place:
Mobile Vet
Anja Stojičić and Milan Krajnović
2nd place:
Chill Out - Application for cultural events and sports events in the City of Banja Luka
Vasilija Topić and Tamara Roljić
3rd place:
CEE Jobs - Danilo Vračar
We congratulate the students who presented their business ideas and congratulate the winners.
Published 12.01.2024 at 15:39
Possibilities and limitations of using artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education - Friday, 15th of December 2023, 2:00 p.m.
As part of the regular activities of CPME - Center for Project Management and Entrepreneurship and as part of the course Entrepreneurial Economics, on Friday, 15th of December starting at 2:00 p.m., in Room 3, II floor of the Faculty of Economics, a half-hour open lecture will be held on the topic: "Possibilities and limitations of the use of artificial intelligence in higher education". The lecture and practical presentation of AI tools in the learning process will be held by Borislav Vukojević, MA, Senior Assistant of the Faculty of Political Sciences, UNIBL. All interested students and employees of UNIBL can attend the lecture.
#cpme #efunibl #sigurnonajbolji #aiinhighereducation
Published 11.12.2023 at 18:30
Guest lectures
On December 5, 2023 (Tuesday) at 17:00 in the ceremonial hall of the Faculty of Economics University of Banja Luka, an open lecture will be held on the topic:
New rules of the banking system: Monetary and macroprudential policy and the effects of EU regulations on the business cycle and prevention of financial shocks in BiH.
The lecturers are dr. Amir Softić - president of the Management Board of Sparkasse Bank d.d. BiH and prof. dr. Željko Šajin, long-standing full professor at the Faculty of Economics University of Sarajevo, long-standing visiting professor at the Faculty of Economics University of Banja Luka, and president of the commission for the “Golden S in the field of economics and banking” awards.
Lectures are primarily intended for students in the 3rd and 4th year of the first cycle of studies, and for students in the second and third cycle of studies.
We invite students and all other interested parties to attend the lectures. The application form can be found here.
Published 28.11.2023 at 14:44
“Students meet science” - the best paper in the field of social sciences
From November 23 to 25, the 16th scientific-professional conference was held at the University of Banja Luka “Students meet science” with international participation. Over 140 papers and abstracts were published in 6 proceedings from the scientific fields. Over 200 active and passive participants from countries of the region, the European Union, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Iran and Turkey participated in the conference. Two students of the Faculty of Economics University of Banja Luka also took part in the biggest meeting so far – Milanka Đurica and Stefan Tanović.
The paper titled “Students' Expectations from the Workplace: Challenges of Attracting Human Resources”, authored by Milanka Đurica, a fourth-year student at the Faculty of Economics University of Banja Luka, won the first prize in the field of social sciences. The paper was written under the mentorship of prof. dr. Branka Zolak Poljašević and the award is a great success considering the fact that students from the 2nd and 3rd cycle of studies participate equally in the conference.
We congratulate our colleague Milanka Đurica on the award and we hope that our colleagues will continue to achieve success at the next conferences and competitions.
Published 28.11.2023 at 14:31