COBISS base Acta Economica
Analysis of Student Survey Results in the Academic Year 2022/2023 - Quality Committee
Work Report for 2023 and Work Program for 2024
Report on the self-evaluation of the study program Economics and Business Management in 2017
Amendments to the Rules of study in the first and second cycle studies, No. 02/04-3-2551-17/15, of 3 September 2015
Amendments and Supplements to the Statute of the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka
Payment instructions
Code of Professional Ethics of the University of Banja Luka
Kratak pregled pravila citiranja iz APA Priručnika za publikovanje - 7. izdanje
Obrazac zahtjeva za izdavanje publikacije
Application form for the topic of diploma (final) thesis on the first cycle studies
Form for submitting a topic proposal for the doctoral dissertation
Application form for the preparation of final (master's) thesis
Consent form of the mentor to submit the doctoral thesis for the evaluation
Consent form of the mentor to submit the master's thesis for the evaluation
Consent form of the mentor to initiate the evaluation and defense of the final (diploma) thesis in the first cycle studies
Obrazac saglasnosti odgovornog nastavnika na prijedlog teme završnog (diplomskog) rada na prvom ciklusu studija i imenovanje mentora
Student Application Form
Decision on the number of mentoring in the first and second cycle studies and the procedure of application, evaluation and defense of the final thesis in the first and second cycle studies (11.09.2024.)
Decision on amendments to the Instructions for the preparation of scientific papers
Odluka o imenovanju članova Odbora za obezbjeđivanje i unapređenje kvaliteta Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci
Decision on the method of monitoring and valorization of knowledge of students in the academic year 2024/2025
Decision on the number of mentoring in the first and second cycle studies and the procedure of application, evaluation and defense of the final thesis in the first and second cycle studies (15.04.2024.)
Rules of Procedure of the Departments of the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka (18.04.2023)
Rules of Procedure of the Scientific and Teaching Council of the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka (11.09.2024.)
Application process, preparation and defense of the final – master thesis on the Second Cycle Studies
Pravila o izmjenama i dopunama Pravila studiranja na I i II ciklusu akademskih studija (30.11.2023.)
Rules of study in the first and second cycle studies (27.10.2022.)
Rules for the third cycle of studies at the Faculty of Economics (16.10.2023)
The Rule Book on presentation of awards of Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka (11.09.2024.)
Regulation on Publishing Activities of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Banja Luka (11.09.2024)
Regulations on Amendments and Additions to the Regulations on the Use of the Appropriate Portion of Own Funds
Rules on amendments to the Rules of the organization of scientific conferences, symposiums, conferences and round tables at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka
Pravilnik o korišćenju pripadajućeg dijela vlastitih sredstava
Rulebook on organizing scientific conferences, symposiums, meetings and round tables at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka
Regulation on the Procedure for Checking the Originality of Student Papers in the Second and Third Cycle of Studies at the University of Banja Luka (26.01.2023.)
Prijava za međunarodni program osnovnih studija Univerziteta u Londonu (akademski nosilac – LSE)*
Weekly Workload of Teachers and Associates in the Winter Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024 - First Cycle of Studies
Weekly Workload of Teachers and Associates in the Summer Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024 - First Cycle of Studies
Statute of the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka
Acta Economica - Guidelines
Instructions for the preparation of scientific papers
Instructions for applying to student services and applying for the exam
Instructions for Third and Fourth Year Students for Attending Professional Practice
Guidelines for second-cycle students on undertaking professional practice for the study program in English: "International Master in Business and Administration"