Digital Marketing
Instructor: Перица Мацура, PhD, Full Professor
The goal of this subject is to introduce students to Internet marketing using business models of the appearance on the Internet and to master the techniques of creating an Internet marketing plan.
Code : | О2018ИДМА |
Status: | C |
Semestar: | 8th |
Number of classes per week: | 4+2 |
ЕECTS: | 6 |
Teachers: |
Перица Мацура,
PhD Full Professor |
Prerequisites: | No prerequisites |
Learning Outcomes (gained knowledge): | Students are trained to design and implement an Internet marketing plan. |
Subject Contents: | Theoretical classes. The basics of marketing. Models of business appearance on the Internet. Internet marketing plan. Internet marketing strategies. Techniques and tactics. SEO techniques. Social media. Social network. Mobile marketing. Customer Relationship Management. Business intelligence in internet marketing. Trends in internet marketing. Practical classes. Internet marketing technologies: forum, blog, RSS. Internet marketing technologies: CMS, affiliate, SEO, Google services. Internet business plan. Internet marketing plan. Domain registration, free hosting, paid hosting. Web design, study on visual identity. Installation of WordPress CMS. Development of the portal. SEO-example on WordPress. CRM, integration with WordPress. Integration of an e-store with WordPress. Application of Google and social networking services. Internet advertising. Defense of papers. |
Teaching Methods and Learning Activities: | Lectures, exercises, laboratory exercises, distance education, case studies. |
Literature: | Ivković, M., & Radenković, B. (1998). Internet and modern business, monograph, editors. Zrenjanin: Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin. Scott, D. M. (2007). The New Rules of Marketing and PR. John Wiley & Sons. Chaffey, D. (2006). Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall. Strauss, J., & El-Ansary, A. Frost, R. (2006). E-Marketing 4/E. Prentice Hall. |
Types of Assessment for the subject: | Continuous evaluation of knowledge through testing and presentations of seminar papers and oral exam. Colloquium I (0-20 points); Colloquium II (0-20 points); Final exam (0-50 points); Attendance (2point); Class activities (seminar papers, discussions, case studies) (0-8 points) |
Special Remarks for the subject: |